Videos are automatically paused on a slide change.
Fixed the swiping for Chromium-based mobile browsers.
Updated the way the module is exported.
The lightbox no longer crashes when the local storage is completely disabled.
Improved the way the dimensions of custom sources are detected.
The performance of large galleries was improved.
The shortened form of a YouTube URL is now recognized ("").
Parameters from a YouTube URL are no longer trimmed.
The "enablejsapi=1" parameter is no longer added to the YouTube <iframe>.
UMD support for Vue.js 3
Vue.js 3 support.
Lightbox is now agnostic to hardware pointer type.
Set enablejsapi parameter to 1 for YouTube sources.
disableLocalStorage disables now all local storage operations.
Improved performance of automatic type detection.
Fixed issue with lightbox not reopening on one exact slide after slide changing.
Fixed issue with timeouts called after lightbox close crashing plugin, e.g. after changing slide and immediately closing lightbox.
Removed deprecated videosPosters prop.
Removed deprecated customSources prop.
Invalid type is no longer saved in local storage.
Lightbox is now initialized on first open not at mount - props updates will be detected until opening lightbox.
New customAttributes prop - adding any attribute you want to the sources.
Fixed fullscreen button issue on mobile - you had to tap two times to exit fullscreen.
By default lightbox does not exit fullscreen on close.
Added exitFullscreenOnClose boolean prop. Set it to true and lightbox will exit fullscreen on close.
Fixed issue with youtube video in fullscreen being covered by lightbox.
Removed will-change css property from lightbox.
Custom sources can be added via sources prop.
Added umd build. Lightbox can be used without Node.js.
Fixed issue with freezing lightbox on double right click.
Slide number is now not going beyond page when numbers are too large.
Added option to load only current slide on lightbox open.
Removed request with Roboto font and changed font to Helvetica.
Added option to pass props to custom sources.
Introducing Vue Fullscreen Lightbox.
Pro version
Make default the Vue 3 version.
Videos are automatically paused on a slide change.
The UI doesn't hide while clicking.
Fixed passing props of bare UMD components in Vue 2.
Fixed an issue with the UI not hiding on a pinching start.
Updated the way the module is exported.
Fixed the nonworking zoom swiping.
Added a new "disableSlideshowLoop" prop.
Improved the way an enhanced (through a caption or thumbs) source is transformed.
The UI fade-out may be now disabled by setting the "UIFadeOutTime" prop to "false".
The lightbox no longer crashes when the local storage is completely disabled.
Improved the way the dimensions of custom sources are detected.
The performance of large galleries was improved.
The shortened form of a YouTube URL is now recognized ("").
Parameters from a YouTube URL are no longer trimmed.
The "enablejsapi=1" parameter is no longer added to the YouTube <iframe>.
Captions have been made selectable.
UMD support for Vue.js 3
Vue.js 3 support.
Set enablejsapi parameter to 1 for YouTube sources.
disableLocalStorage disables now all local storage operations.
Improved performance of automatic type detection.
Fixed issue with lightbox not reopening on one exact slide after slide changing.
Fixed issue with timeouts called after lightbox close crashing plugin, e.g. after changing slide and immediately closing lightbox.
Zooming on scroll.
Customizable zoom increment.
Lightbox is now initialized on first open not at mount - props updates will be detected until opening lightbox.
Custom toolbar button onClick is now invoked with fslightbox instance as param.
Invalid type is no longer saved in local storage.
Fixed bug with caption not hiding after changing slide during zooming.
Added an option to load only current source instead of 3 stage sources during lightbox usage - loadOnlyCurrentSource prop.
Removed deprecated customSources and videosPosters prop.
New customAttributes prop - adding any attribute you want to the sources.
Fixed fullscreen button issue on mobile - you had to tap two times to exit fullscreen.
By default lightbox does not exit fullscreen on close.
Added exitFullscreenOnClose boolean prop. Set it to true and lightbox will exit fullscreen on close.
Fixed issue with youtube video in fullscreen being covered by lightbox.
Removed will-change css property from lightbox.
'Pinching' - zooming on mobile with 2 fingers
Custom sources can be added via sources prop.
Added umd build. Lightbox can be used without Node.js
Fixed issue with toggling thumbs error.
Introducing Pro version of Vue Fullscreen Lightbox.
Look over the Fullscreen Lightbox open source plug-ins.
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